John Bullock Continues Father’s Legacy as Elks State President

Person County native John Bullock was installed as the 121st President of the North Carolina State Elks Association in late June. His father, William Bullock was elected State President of the Elks for the 1996-97 year.

They become the first father-son duo to be elected President in the History of the North Carolina State Elks Association. John has served in many different capacities in the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks. He currently serves as Exalted Ruler of Roxboro Lodge #2005 which is his fourth year in that role. He has served as District Vice President for East Central District, Esquire to the District Deputy and District Deputy to the Grand Exalted Ruler. He was elected unanimously as President-Elect at the 2019 North Carolina Spring Elks Convention in Wilmington.

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