June 13 State Convention Cancelled

Dear NCSEA members,

Today North Carolina is moving to Phase 2 reopening.  The restrictions of this phase are not as lenient as we had originally planned for.  Mass gathering limits remain at no more than 10 people indoors.

With this restriction, we have no choice but to cancel our state convention meeting that was scheduled for Saturday, June 13, at the High Point Lodge.  While this is very disappointing, we must always make the health and well being of our members a priority.

The NCSEA Board of Directors will be meeting next week with Sponsor Frost to determine how we will be handling the business of this meeting – mainly the installation of our 2020-2021 officers and approving our budget for the upcoming year.  All decisions will be communicated to our Lodges as quickly as possible.

Please continue to be safe and look after each other!

Shari Driscoll, NCSEA President

Calabash Elks Donate to Senior Resource Center

The Calabash Elks Lodge recently donated $3,000 to the Brunswick County Senior Resource Center in Calabash, NC to support their Meals’ Programs, which are currently stressed during the State-Imposed COVID-19 Virus “Stay-at-Home” order.  The project was funded by a grant provided by the “Elks National Foundation” the Charitable Arm of the Order of Elks.

During “Normal” times, the center serves about 70 “Congregate Lunches” at the Center in Calabash each weekday to seniors over 60-years old, and delivers “Meals-on-Wheels” to those home-bound seniors who qualify for the service.  During this special “Stay-at-Home” time, Courtney Bledsoe, the Center’s Director, told us they are suppling 130 Meals/Day for Curb-Side Pick-Up, and delivering another 70 Meals/Day to shut-ins.  Additionally, they are collecting boxes of food for their “Supplementary Food” program.

Pictured L-R:  David  Foulds, the Calabash Elks Lodge’s Treasurer; Bob Paoletti, Past Exalted Ruler and Trustee; Courtney Bledsoe, Senior Center Director; Tom Friewald, Exalted Ruler of the Calabash Elks Lodge; Mark Kerr, Chairman, Board-of-Directors; and Juanita Adams,  Past Exalted Ruler and Chairperson for the Elks National Foundation Committee.


Gratitude Grant at work in Morehead City



Morehead City – Beaufort Elks Lodge #1710 recently received a Gratitude Grant from the ENF. The grant was to provide meals for local healthcare workers at Carteret Health Care. With the grant, along with other donations from community members and businesses, the Lodge provided approximately 1600 to go meals to the hospital employees. In addition, several law enforcement members as well as fire and rescue personnel were served. 

Photo L to R, top to bottom: 

  1. Elk Sarah Willis headed the cooking team in planning the meals and in prep.
  2. Elks Sally Byrd and Jane McClughan along with volunteer Jane McClughan plated meals.
  3. Elk Bob McClughan, PER helped deliver bags to the cars.
  4. Volunteer George Byrd delivers directly to health employees Exalted Ruler Bill Ward, PER also assisted.


The North Carolina State Elks Association, Inc (NCSEAI) Board of Directors and the State Association Convention Committee met via conference call on Monday April 13th.  At the meeting the following changes were made for the upcoming NCSEAI Spring Convention due to the continuing COVID-19 situation:

The date of the Spring Convention has been changed to SATURDAY, JUNE 13th, and the location has been changed to the HIGH POINT ELKS LODGE, 700 Old Mill Road, High Point, NC  27265.  The Convention meeting will begin at 1:00 PM.

Also meeting at the High Point Lodge on Saturday, June 13th will be the State Association Advisory Board at 10:00 AM, followed by the NCSEAI Board of Directors at 10:30.  The Charitable Trust Directors will meet immediately following the conclusion of the NCSEAI Board of Directors meeting, at approximately 11:00-11:15 AM.

SBA CARES Loans Info

To all Lodges

Subject: SBA CARES Loans

Many of you have asked about applying for the announced SBA loans. The SBA CARES program has been under intense investigation by the Grand Lodge from the time of its announcement. It was
realized early that the closure of our lodge facilities would greatly affect the financial condition of the lodges. As of today, we have been unable to get an official statement that the lodges as 501c8’s qualify for these funds. In fact, it keeps coming back as 501c3’s and 501c19’s and some veterans organizations are qualified for the funds. Additionally, what we do know is that the SBA “loans” were to be primarily used to pay employees and their benefits, interest on mortgages, and some utility costs.

No announcement has been made because there was no information that has been verified to publish
to the lodges. The SBA CARES initiative and it associated legislation is continuing to be investigated by the Grand Lodge to see if there is some way to get relief for the lodges. You can be assured that once factual information becomes available, I will broadcast it to the lodges.

Jack Frost

Spring Convention Cancelled


The NCSEAI Board of Directors met today, March 20, 2020 via conference call concerning our scheduled Spring Convention in Atlantic Beach. The hotel will not be able to accommodate us due to the declared “state of emergency.” Therefore the convention in Atlantic Beach has been cancelled. Article IV Sec. 1 of our State Association ByLaws allows a change of place or time because of an emergency situation.

The Board of Directors decided that the Spring Convention (Annual Meeting) will be held at Greensboro Elks Lodge #602 on Saturday May 2, 2020 at 2:00 PM. Only necessary business will be conducted at this session – Election of Officers, Installation of Officers and approval of the 2020-2021 budget, and also hopefully the Thad Eure Award. As normally happens at the Spring Convention, State Association business will be suspended for a short time to allow the Charitable Trust to conduct their required annual meeting.


The Advisory Board will meet at 10:00 AM at the Greensboro Lodge on May 2, 2020 and the Board of Directors will follow with their meeting at 11:00.

There will not be any food served at the Greensboro Lodge. Those attending the morning meetings will have approximately two hours to go out for lunch.

Mike Curran
Secretary, NC State Elks Association, Inc

Grand Lodge Convention 2020 (Baltimore)


The 2019 Grand Lodge Session/Convention will be held in Baltimore, MD July 5-8, 2020.
The North Carolina delegation is assigned to the Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel, 202 East
Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21202 which is located in Baltimore Inner Harbor area. The Kansas,
Nebraska, South Carolina, Tennessee and New Jersey Elks are also scheduled to be in the same hotel.
The Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor is the Grand Lodge/Headquarters hotel.

Click here for complete information packet.

Morganton Elks Lodge Volunteers at Soup Kitchen

Morganton Elks Lodge #1852 Soup Kitchen team volunteers their service to the Burke United Christian Ministry soup kitchen program.  The Morganton Lodge has been serving the community in this fashion for a number of years now.  They serve as many as 200 plus adults and children on any given 4th Wednesday of the month.  This team is so highly regarded that they are given the most difficult meals to prepare for our lunchtime clients.

Pictured from left to right- Dean Simon, Alice Smith, Steve Coley, Arlene Coley, Robin Morley (team leader),  Bill McCurry, Nellie Whisnant, Chuck Epstein,  Trice Giles, John Carpenter (PER), Loretta Moses (ER).