SBA CARES Loans Info

To all Lodges

Subject: SBA CARES Loans

Many of you have asked about applying for the announced SBA loans. The SBA CARES program has been under intense investigation by the Grand Lodge from the time of its announcement. It was
realized early that the closure of our lodge facilities would greatly affect the financial condition of the lodges. As of today, we have been unable to get an official statement that the lodges as 501c8’s qualify for these funds. In fact, it keeps coming back as 501c3’s and 501c19’s and some veterans organizations are qualified for the funds. Additionally, what we do know is that the SBA “loans” were to be primarily used to pay employees and their benefits, interest on mortgages, and some utility costs.

No announcement has been made because there was no information that has been verified to publish
to the lodges. The SBA CARES initiative and it associated legislation is continuing to be investigated by the Grand Lodge to see if there is some way to get relief for the lodges. You can be assured that once factual information becomes available, I will broadcast it to the lodges.

Jack Frost

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