Where Is Your Lodge?

(Updated charts added to the bottom)

Where Is Your Lodge?

As we begin a new Lodge year in Elkdom all of us, every Officer, Member, and Lodge must put our full effort into curbing the decline of membership in our Order. If we each put our mind to it this challenge, we have been faced with for the past thirty years can be reversed. Remember the challenge is not only getting new members but also keeping the ones, we have and reinstating ones we may have lost previously. Below is a chart labeled “RACE TO THE BOTTOM.” This chart reflects the current number of delinquents as of 01/13/2019. My challenge to each lodge is to get to bottom of this list with the least number of delinquents as fast as you can. I will ask that this first list be posted on the Web site and I will update the chart on the Web as new information becomes available, at least every two weeks, so you can see how your lodge is doing. How fast can your Lodge get there?

Arthur H. Frost, III
Grand Lodge Sponsor


Updated 02/19/2019

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