Statesville Elks Lodge # 1823 putting grant money to work, They Elks hosted a Soap and Suds with a local laundry mat to help homeless wash clothes.
By: Derricks Sims
The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 donated $2,500 from a gratitude grant towards a new book mobile in Person County. The goal of the bookmobile project is to provide citizens with an up to date mobile unit with state-of-the-art technology providing more access to rural areas in the county. A new Bookmobile would provide space for additional books allowing visitors the opportunity to select their own books and materials, be WI-FI enabled for access to resources for digital literacy and workforce development. The Bookmobile program would initially have 34 monthly stops and serves approximately 500 citizens of all ages providing story times and adult programming; and promoting the Library’s programs, resources and services. The stops include daycares, after school programs, assisted living facilities, and homebound individuals. A new Bookmobile will continue to reach this audience and will expand both services and audiences reaching a broader scope with plans for 10 additional stops in rural locations with a goal to increase usage to 750-800 visitors monthly.
The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 would like to thank the staff of the Person County Library for their continued dedication to improve the outreach of the library and looks forward to continuing to work towards making our community a better place.
Sanford Elks #1679 Celebrates 75 Years of Community Commitment
The year was 1945
- President Roosevelt died on April 12th.
- Harry Truman became the next President of the United States
- World War II in Europe officially ended.
- President Truman orders the use of the new Nuclear Bombs on Hiroshima.
- Average Cost of new house $4.600.00
Average wages per year $2,400.00
Cost of a gallon of Gas 15 cents
Average Cost for house rent $60.00 per month
Girls Dolls House $3.19
Average Cost New Car $1,020.00 - A group of 20 men meet at the Masonic Lodge in Sanford NC to organized what will become the 1,679th lodge in the United States
Today we approach a new year of 2020 and our opportunity to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Sanford Elks Lodge # 1679.
Throughout the year we will provide summary and bullet points of our history.
In short, this will be year to beat all years!
Mike McGraw
75th Anniversary Chairman
By: Derrick Sims
The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 is partnering with the Person County Parks and Recreation Department to establish a series of youth programs for youth in county in 2020. The Lodge presented Jon Hill, the Director of Parks and Recreation for county, with a check for $2,000 from a beacon grant that the lodge received. This project in general give kids another recreational perspective from athletics or arts programming and can lead to an appreciation and respect for the natural world. It also opens interest for other outdoor recreational activities. It also exposes youth to nature which is a good thing in this time when youth are spending more and more time indoors than in the past. This allows youth to learn about this specific ecosystem by being exposed to outdoor activities.
The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 would like to thank the Person County Parks and Recreation Department and look forward to continuing future partnerships in an effort to make our community a better place. The upcoming program dates will be made available in the early spring.
Keywords: “Elks” – “Youth” – “Activity”
Word Count: 213
Point of Contact: Derrick Sims, Roxboro Elks #2005, Exalted Ruler
Photo of the Presentation Follows:
By: Derrick Sims
The Roxboro Elks Lodge was honored during a ceremony on September 12, 2019 by the Person County Board of Education. Lodge members were presented with the distinguished “Pride in Person” Award for their service project that assisted teachers in need of school supplies. The Roxboro Lodge raised money through a year-long fundraiser that started in August of 2018. The Lodge was able to assist nearly 75 teachers from every school in Person County with a $50.00 Visa gift card to go towards school supplies. The Roxboro Elks thank the Board of Education for the recognition and look forward to continue this project for next year.
Keywords: “Elks” – “Care” – “Youth Services”
Word Count: 159
Point of Conta
ct: Derrick Sims, ER, Roxboro Elks #2005
Photo of the Presentation Follows:
By: Derrick Sims
The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 partnered with the Person County Schools to promote Red Ribbon Week on October 23 -31st. Members of the Lodge visited with nine schools to promote Drug Awareness with the students. 5,000 red ribbons in total were given out to students. The Elks have been supporters of Red Ribbon Week since the beginning. The campaign was formalized by President and Mrs. Reagan who served as honorary chairpersons. Congress officially established Red Ribbon Week in 1988. Nationwide, it is celebrated annually in the last week in October. The Roxboro Elks also distribute thousands of Drug Awareness comics in the summer.
The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 would like to thank the Person County Board of Education and look forward to continuing future partnerships in an effort to make our community a better place. A special thanks goes out to Bob Miller, the NC Elks Drug Awareness State Chairman for his efforts with this project.
Keywords: “Elks” – “Youth” – “Drug Awareness”
Word Count: 211
Point of Contact: Derrick Sims, Roxboro Elks #2005, Exalted Ruler
Photos of the Students with Red Ribbons are as Follows:
By: Derrick Sims
The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 partnered with the Roxboro Area Chamber of Commerce for the 40th Annual Personality Festival in Person County on August 25-26th. The Personality Festival is a two-day festival that attracts 10,000-plus visitors to Roxboro every August. The Roxboro Lodge continued its Drug Awareness campaign by distributing awareness materials to the local residents and visitors that were in attendance. As always, there were many Roxboro Elks on hand that volunteered their time in an effort to make an impact in the community.
In addition to the campaign, Elroy the Elk made several appearances at the festival. Everyone had the opportunity to meet and take photos with Elroy at the Drug Awareness Trailer. Even with the record high temperatures, the overall campaign was a complete success.
The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 would like to thank NC Elks State Drug Awareness Chairman Bob Miller for his guidance and support for this project. The Roxboro Elks would also like to thank the Roxboro Area Chamber of Commerce for allotting space to accommodate the lodge’s drug awareness campaign and look forward to continuing future partnerships in an effort to make our community a better place.
Keywords: “Elks” – “Personality” – “Drug Awareness”
Word Count: 233
Point of Contact: Derrick Sims, Roxboro Elks #2005, Exalted Ruler