Statesville Elks Lodge # 1823 putting grant money to work, They Elks hosted a Soap and Suds with a local laundry mat to help homeless wash clothes. The Elks also had story time while the adults washed clothes, handing out … Continue reading
Category Archives: Statesville Elks Lodge #1823
Statesville Elks Lodge #1823 character band aids for kids donate to Brennan’s Children’s Hospital. This is the second year that Statesville Elks has helped Brennan’s Children’s Hospital. The kids just light up to pick their favorite band aids. This year … Continue reading
The Statesville Elks Lodge #1823 has kicked off the 2019 Veterans Dinners at the lodge working with the Salisbury V.A. to make sure our Veterans have a great night away from the hospital for a road trip. Statesville Elks have … Continue reading
Statesville Elks Lodge#1823 hosted NCSEA State Chairman Dennis Dowling , Jerry Teters and Joni Parks at the 02/08/2018 Statesville Elks Lodge meeting and presented a donation of $1000 to Camp Carefree. E.R. Franky Sigmon said Statesville Elks Lodge and it’s members are willing to keep … Continue reading
History: In 1883, two Presbyterian women in Charlotte, North Carolina founded the Presbyterian Orphans Home, now called Barium Springs. As needs grew and space did not, the Presbyterian Synod purchased acreage for the Home in Barium Springs, N.C. The land theypurchased … Continue reading
Statesville Elks Lodge #1823 rolls into town for the Statesville Christmas Parade with Elroy The Elk and members on the sleigh (boat) with music playing in the background as well as members walking along the route handing out bags to … Continue reading
Statesville Elks hosted the Salisbury Veterans for the 6th time on 11/9/2017 for a Veterans celebration and Christmas dinner if Turkey and Ham with all the trimmings! Elks and helpers served homemade desserts after dinner. Statesville Elks had 23 Veterans 5 Staff and … Continue reading
Thanks to Statesville Elks Lodge #1823, members the Veterans Transitional Home in Statesville NC will be receiving new Veteran corn-hole boards to enjoy this summer and for year’s to come!! A big thanks to Andy and our Elk members for … Continue reading
Statesville Elks have a program that brings the Veterans from Salisbury V.A. hospital to the Lodge of a hot home made meal and live music every two months. The is a great time to let Statesville Elks show their support … Continue reading