Goldsboro Elks – Freedom Week – The Traveling Wall

This is a reproduction of the wall in Washington DC.  The traveling wall is only some of the American who gave there lives during the Vietnam War.

The Goldsboro Elks Lodge along with the   community of Goldsboro helped bring the Vietnam wall to Goldsboro.
This was Freedom Week in Goldsboro with a celebration across the street from the Goldsboro Elks Lodge.  Helping the community and growing membership what a great weekend.

State President Frank T. Brady Visits Calabash Lodge

State President Frank T. Brady visited the Calabash Lodge on September 22, 2021 where he attended their meeting at which they Initiated 13 American Citizens into the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks..

Frank addressed the Membership, and gave a “Pep Talk” to their new Members on the virtues of charity, and the importance of volunteerism in our Order.

Pictured is State President Frank Brady (Standing Far Right) and ER Robert “Shorty” Dennany (Standing Far Left) along with the 13 newly installed Members of the Calabash Lodge.