Hickory Elks Honor Students, Public Servants, and Military Veterans

The annual Hickory Elks Lodge Americanism Awards and Recognition Ceremony recognizing area students, city and state employees, and military veterans was held on Saturday, February 4th 2023. This event, sponsored by the Lodge’s Americanism Committee, honored a select few in our community who have demonstrated love of country and community through their actions, deeds, and selfless service.  The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (BPOE) with over 2000 lodges promotes the concepts of Americanism and patriotism and is nationally recognized for its support of military veterans.  Celebrating the 155th anniversary of BPOE, this year’s awards and recognition ceremony served to highlight the purpose and mission of Hickory Elks and Elks nationwide.  

Honorees in Saturday’s ceremony included 5th, 7th, and 8th grade school students who participated in the Hickory Lodge’s annual Americanism Essay Contest, a national event sponsored by the BPOE national headquarters in Chicago.  This year’s essay theme was, “What Is Your American Dream?”.  Over 100 essays were submitted by students fromJenkins Elementary as well as Northview and Grandview Middle Schools.  Each essay was judged by criteria established by the national headquarters of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks in Chicago. Winners in Division I which features students in the 5th grade were Genevieve Melon – First Place (Jenkins); Alexi Willis – Second Place (Jenkins); and Avery Hawley-Third Place (Jenkins).  There were noessays submitted by 6th grade Division II students. The winners in Division III featuring students in the 7th grade were Jebediah Joyner-First Place (Northview); Elisa Perez Reynoso-Second Place (Northview); and Ignacio Juarez-Third Place (Northview).  Finally, winners in Division IV, 8th grade students were Sam Bridges – First Place (Grandview); Demaris Estala-Saesee – Second Place (Grandview); and Aliyah Swinton – Third Place (Northview). Each of the winners received a commemorative plaque and cash award. Winning essays will be submitted to the North Carolina Elks West District essay judges for district and state wining essays in each of the divisions.

The February ceremony also recognized the 2023 exceptional services of Hickory Firefighter Russell Kruse, Hickory Master Police Officer
Chris Berry, and North Carolina State Highway Patrol, Master Trooper Zach Beam, of Troop F, District 5.  Each were nominated by their respective departments based on their exemplary job performance and service to their community.  Commemorative plaques and cash awards were presented to each honoree.  Assisting in the presentations werespeeches and commentaries by Battalion Chief Matt Hutchinson, Hickory Fire Department; Chief Reed Baer, Hickory Police Department; and First Sergeant Bobby Lineberger, N.C. State Highway Patrol, Troop F, District 5.

Respecting our nation’s military, five military veterans, each representing one of the 4 military branches and the U.S. Coast Guard, were recognized as the Hickory Elks Exceptional Military ServicePersons of the Year.  Each of the five awardees was selected by five of the area’s high school JROTC programs, Fred T. Foard (US Army JROTC), RS Central (US Marine Corps JROTC), St. Stephens (US Navy JROTC), Maiden (US Airforce), and Newton Conover (US Coast Guard).  Selection was based on each veteran’s exemplary service consistent with the tenets of Duty – Honor – Country as described by General Douglas MacArthur in his 1962 speech at West Point to the Corps of Cadets. The U.S. Army recipient selected by Army cadets ofFred T. Foard High School was First Sergeant Dale Sloan.  The U.S. Navy recipient selected by Navy cadets from St. Stephens High School was Senior Chief Shawn Shepard.  The U.S. Marine Corps’ honoree selected by Marine Corps cadets of RS Central High School in Rutherfordton was Master Sergeant David Hernandez.  Technical Sergeant Adam Anthony Hein, U.S. Air Force, was selected by the Air Force cadets of Maiden High School.  And finally, the Navy cadets at Newton Conover High School selected Chief Petty Officer Andrew Rupp, an active duty member of the U.S. Coast Guard as this year’s exceptional Coast Guardsman.  Each recipient received a commemorative plaque and cash award. Assisting in the presentationswere Army Cadet Captain Claudia Goodykoonz, Fred T. Foard; Navy Cadet Petty Officer 1st Class Yadria Cruz, St. Stephens High School; Marine Corps Cadet Staff 2nd Lieutenant Harlee Southerland, RS Central High School; Air Force Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Cathrine Hentschel, Maiden High School; and Navy Cadet Lieutenant Commander Harlan Sterling, Newton Conover High School.

A joint military service color guard consisting of JROTC cadets from each of the participating high schools opened the ceremony with the presentation of colors.

Callie Stitch Hoop Shoot Journey – 2023

Hoops Shoot Journey

Meet Callie Stich

Our local finalist at the Elks 2023 Hoop Shoot National Finals will take place at Wintrust Arena, home of the WNBA’s Chicago Sky and DePaul’s Blue Demons., Chicago.

Congratulations to Callie!

The Elks sponsored Hoop Shoot is a 50-year-old free throw program for youth ages 8-13. This program is free to all participants and provides an opportunity to compete, connect and succeed through hard work and competition. Participants are divided by age and compete with their peers shooting basketball hoops. A wonderful program, shaping our youth today!  Win or lose, a great time had by all!

Winners move on from local competition at Pinecrest High School to Regional competition in Roxboro, NC, then to NC Finals in Greensboro, NC. From there they compete at the National regionals which were held in Charlottesville, VA. Those winners are moving on to the National Championship competition in   Chicago, Ill. Callie has competed successfully in each competition and is now on her way, representing Southern Pines Elks Lodge 1692!  Quite a journey for Callie who came through and delivered, now on her way to Chicago, IL!

Best sWishes: Friends, family, community members, classmates and Lodge members can send good luck wishes to your Finalist! Visit the Best Swishes page
(https://www.elks.org/hoopshoot/greetings.cfm) to send a message! Please Complete by Monday, April 10, 2023

Callie’s Elk’s Hoop Shoot Journey!

-Pinecrest High School contest, local Elks Lodge 1692 hoop shoot Southern Pines, NC

-Roxboro, NC (Regional)

– Greensboro, NC (NC Finals)

– Charlottsville, VA (National Regionals)




NOTE: Reservation Packet can be found in the members only section under Forms and Guidlines.

The 2023 Grand Lodge Convention will be held in Minneapolis, MN  July 2-5, 2023

The North Carolina delegation will be staying at the Hilton Minneapolis Hotel, 1001 Marquette Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN  55403.  The Hilton Minneapolis Hotel is the Headquarters hotel for this convention.   The Grand Lodge personnel and the South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, New York, Washington, Montana, Idaho and Oregon Elks are also scheduled to stay in the same hotel. The hotel is connected to the Minneapolis Convention Center by a skyway, so we can walk to the Convention.

Room rate for Single, Double, Triple and Quad occupancy will be $121.00 per night plus tax, currently 14.025%. The rates will also apply to those who wish to stay three (3) days before and/or after the convention if requested on the reservation form and if rooms are available.  Late check outs will be determined by the hotel’s room availability for the following day and cannot be guaranteed at this time.  If you would like a “late checkout” on Wednesday, July 5th, please request it on the reservation form.  Room reservations must be canceled 48 hours prior to arrival to avoid a cancelation fee.  THE HOTEL HAS ADVISED THAT NO KING SIZE BEDS WILL BE AVAILABLE!!!  Handicapped rooms are available and must be requested on the reservation form. This is a smoke free hotel. Valet parking ($49 per day) and self-parking ($25 per day) are available. Parking is owned & operated by the City of Minneapolis, and no discounts apply.  The hotel does not provide shuttle service between Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport and the hotel. Uber/Lyft is the best option.  Amenities include Wi-Fi; a fitness center and an indoor pool; the Ten 01 Market for grab and go and the Ten 01 Social restaurant for breakfast for dinner and drinks.

District Deputy designates must submit a reservation form to me even though their room will be paid for by Grand Lodge.  ALL RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE THROUGH THE STATE HOUSING CHAIRMAN (Michael Curran) AND ARE DUE NO LATER THAN MAY 24, 2023.

The Sunday Opening Ceremony and the Daily Business sessions will take place at the Minneapolis Convention Center, 1301 Second Avenue S, Minneapolis, MN  55403. The Opening Ceremony will be from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM on Sunday, July 2nd.  The Business Sessions will begin at 8:00 AM and will end around noon on Monday & Tuesday and around 11:00 AM on Wednesday.  Registration, Ritual Competition and Exhibits will also be at the Minneapolis Convention Center.  You must be registered to attend the Opening Ceremony, the daily Business Sessions and the Ritual Competition.

In order to improve assistance to handicapped members/guests at the convention and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, will those that need transportation and/or wheelchair assistance while attending the convention let me know ASAP so that I can pass that information on to Grand Lodge. Please include that information on your reservation form.

The State President will make available the location and operating hours of the North Carolina State Elks Association Hospitality Suite and where to send your donations.

Elks #1692 Deliver $2,000 of School Supplies to the Carthage Elementary School

Earlier this year, Tessa Davis was awarded an Elks Spotlight Grant of $2,000. Being a Social Worker for three (3) Moore County schools, servicing over 1100 students, she was in need of school supplies. The Elks came through, purchasing the supplies identified with an Amazon wish-list registry. The backpacks, filled with supplies were completed and delivered to the Carthage Elementary School. All received with big smiles and a better school year for the children.

North Carolina Elks Grand Lodge District Deputy Clinics

East District   Jody Pascarella, Grand Lodge District Deputy

    • New Bern Lodge         January 29, 2023
    • Calabash Lodge          April 16, 2023

East Central   Derik Sims, Grand Lodge District Deputy

    • Sanford Lodge    January 8, 2023
    • Roxboro Lodge   April 2, 2023

West Central    Richard Penk, Grand Lodge District Deputy

    • Salisbury Lodge   January 22, 2023
    • Winston Salem Lodge   April 23, 2023

West District:          Mark Couch, Grand Lodge District Deputy

    • Hickory Lodge             February 5, 2023
    • Asheville Lodge          April 30, 2023


North Carolina Leadership Seminar   February 25, 2023         High Point Lodge

North Carolina State Convention    May 5,6,7th 2023      Crown Plaza, Asheville, NC

NC District Realignment

An Executive Order is coming from  the Grand Lodge that will realign our Districts. Effective immediately, Rocky Mount and Wilson lodges will be moving from the East District into  the East Central District. The Reidsville lodge is moving from the East Central District to the West Central District.

All district VPs  and DDs have been informed so they can schedule  their visitation accordingly.