Four Advance to National Hoop Shoot Finals

From the six youths that competed from North Carolina in the Elks Hoop Shoot Southeast Central Championship held in Frederick Maryland on March 12, 2016, four will be advancing to the Elks National Hoop Shoot Finals in Chicago Illinois on April 16, 2016.

  • 8-9 Girl Division Champion Aniston Chapman making 20/25 free throws  – representing  Hickory Lodge # 1654
  • 10-11 Girl Division Champion  Alexis Wolgemuth making 20/25 free throws – representing Hickory Lodge # 1654
  • 10-11 Boy Division Champion Grant Malloy making 31/35 free throws in shoot off- representing Charlotte Lodge #392
  • 12-13 Girl Division Champion  Brianna Lewis making 22/25 free throws – representing North Wilkesboro Lodge #1846.

Each one of these youth will be competing against eleven other youth in their age group. One boy and one girl from each division will win a national title at the National Finals, and have their names inscribed in the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame. Two National Champions will receive the Getty Powell Award for the most baskets made during the National Finals. Mark Alderman NC Elks Hoop Shoot Director encourages all Elks, family, and friends to visit and click on send contestant greeting, and send any youth a good luck message.


Fund Raising for New GER

Fund raising pins for the new GER Michael Zellen are available by sending your check of $100 to Richard Palanzo SDGER 27 Middle River Rd. Danbury, CT 06811-4313. Two pins from the same household would be $150. These pins will give you an invitation to the new GER’s cocktail party. At this party all of the GL dignitaries attend. Be sure to add a note that you are from North Carolina. For further information you can contact Bob Janovic at 910-755-5898.

Note: Checks should be made out to “MA-Eager Fund”.

NC State Hoop Shoot – 2016

Twenty-three boys and girls from all across the state participated in the 2015 -2016  North Carolina State Hoop Shoot Contest held in Greensboro on February 13, 2016. Though only six Champions will advance to the Regional Contest to be held on March 12,2016, all the kids were winners.

These are our State Champions:

  • 8-9 Boy  Owen Cannon  24/25 shots representing Hickory Lodge
  • 8-9 Girl  Aniston Chapman  20/25 shots  representing Hickory Lodge
  • 10-11 Boy  Grant Malloy  24/25 shots representing Charlotte Lodge
  • 10-11 Girl  Alexis Wolgemuth 22/25 shots  representing Hickory Lodge
  • 12-13 Boy  Breon Pass 25/25 shots  representing  Reidsville Lodge
  • 12-13 Girl  Brianna Lewis  21/25 shots  representing North Wilkesboro Lodge

North Carolina Hoop Shoot State Director Mark Alderman says we have some great shooters advancing to the Regional Contest, and wants to thank the Greensboro Elks Lodge for hosting the contest again this year, and also a big thank you to all Elks that volunteered and the ones that come to the contest. Also a big thank you to Mark the Caterer and his staff, for preparing the meal for everyone.

hoopshoot008Click image to see more pictures from the State Hoop Shoot.

Wilmington Lodge #532 Deliver Food Baskets to 135 Needy Families

On December 19, 2015 35 Elks help organize and deliver Christmas Food Baskets to 135 needy families in the Wilmington, NC area.  Each basket included items such as bread, milks, eggs, stuffing, ham, etc. to make the families Christmas celebration a little brighter.  Pictured, left to right, are Nancy Blanton (Loyal Knight), Kelly Webb (X-mas basket committee member), Billy Hood (PER/X-mas Basket Chairman), Bryan Benoit (Exalted Ruler) with his two sons and Steve Tyler (Leading Knight).


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