Introducing Your District Deputies for the
2017-2018 Year
The North Carolina Elks District Deputies for the 2017-2018 year flanking North Carolina State Sponsor GER Jack Frost are: L-R: West Central, Richard Penk; West, Frank Brandy; East Central, Steve Johnson; and East, Rick Pittman
The Members of this Association of Elks wish you each a productive and successful year and look forward to your Clinics and your visits to our Lodges.
North Carolina Elks District Deputies 2016-2017
Pictured with North Carolina State Sponsor GER Jack Frost are L-R: East Central, Tommie Byrd; East, Susan Janovic; GER Frost: West, Wilbur Guernsey; and West Central, Dennis Dowling
The Members of the North Carolina State Elks Association extend their hand in appreciation to last year’s District Deputies for their dedication, time, and service to our Order and this Association of Elks.
Thank You!!!
A group of Past Exalted Rulers (PERs) form the Southern Pines Elks Lodge #1692 treated some local veterans to a Swamp Dog baseball game.