Statesville Elks use grant money for the Children’s Hope Alliance (Barium Springs Children’s Home)


In 1883, two Presbyterian women in Charlotte, North Carolina founded the Presbyterian Orphans Home, now called Barium Springs. As needs grew and space did not, the Presbyterian Synod purchased acreage for the Home in Barium Springs, N.C. The land theypurchased was the site of the legendary, healing “Barium Springs.” After purchase of the land, Presbyterian Children’s Home moved to Barium Springs in 1891.

In 1914, almost 100 miles away in the small mountain community of Banner Elk, N.C. the Presbyterian minister, Edgar Tufts was working diligently with his local church to establish a home for orphans in the rugged mountain areas, and Grandfather Home for Children was born.

Both of these historic agencies functioned primarily as orphanages until the mid-1900’s. Children coming to these homes were mostly orphans who would stay for long periods of time. Many came as infants and stayed until graduation from high school or college. Both homes were self-sustaining farms where the children learned trade skills and assisted with daily chores.

In the 1950’s, needs for an orphanage decreased, partially due to peacetime and advances in medical technology. Instead, children needing care had one or both parents still living; but suffered from abuse and neglect. Not only did these children need a place of refuge but they also required treatment and therapy. Services expanded after 1970’s to focus mainly on the needs of children were classified as “troubled” or abused. Between the 1970’s and early 2000’s both Barium Springs and Grandfather Home for Children experienced expansion of services to better meet the needs of children at the time. These expansions included foster care and adoptions services, educational services and therapeutic services for children who had suffered complex trauma.

In April of 2014, the two organizations merged in an effort to have a greater impact in helping children and families across the region. The name chosen for the newly formed, merged organization was Children’s Hope Alliance. This name allows everyone to understand our deeply rooted mission, to provide hope and healing for hurting children and families. The future of Children’s Hope Alliance is bright, our stability lies in our deeply-rooted mission and a willingness to attend to the special needs of each generation.

Statesville Elks Lodge met 01/28/2018 to pack duffel (GO BAGS) so when the call comes for placing, a child would have a GO Bag of their own to take to their new home. See pictures attached of Elks at their best!










By: Derrick Sims

The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 participated in the 2018 Roxboro Christmas Parade on December 15th. The annual parade brings thousands to the streets of Roxboro, NC. The Elks featured the North Carolina Elks’ Drug Awareness Campaign Trailer and Elroy the Elk walking the streets during the parade.

Keywords: “Elks” – “Parade” – “Drug Awareness”

Point of Contact: Derrick Sims, Roxboro Elks #2005, Exalted Ruler

Statesville Christmas Parade with Elroy The Elk

Statesville Elks Lodge #1823 rolls into town for the Statesville Christmas Parade with Elroy The Elk and members on the sleigh (boat) with music playing in the background as well as members walking along the route handing out bags to all the kids with candy and Elk’s Coloring books and the works, A huge thanks to everyone that helped and a Merry Christmas to all as well as a Happy New Year!




Statesville Elks hosted the Salisbury Veterans

Statesville Elks hosted the Salisbury Veterans for the 6th time on 11/9/2017 for a Veterans celebration and Christmas dinner if Turkey and Ham with all the trimmings! Elks and helpers served homemade desserts after dinner.
 Statesville Elks had 23 Veterans 5 Staff and 16 Elks and 11 helpers that all came out for a great event.
The Elks handed out Christmas bags to all Veterans stuffed with Hats, Shirts, Socks and all kinds of goodies to talk back with them! Statesville Elks would like to thank all members for time and donations to make this another great year for our Veterans!
Statesville also hosted the Traveling Gavel that same night with the Gavel group getting to help and eat along with the veterans, Statesville welcomed Kevin Black (VICE PRESIDENT WEST CENTRAL) High Point Elks. Shari Driscoll, Gary(HUTCH) Hutchins and E.R. Bob Gold from Greensboro Elks Lodge.
Kevin Black (VPWC) and E.R. Bob Gold handed off the Gavel to Statesville Elks Lodge E.R. Franky Sigmon, all had a great time in Statesville.
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