The 2024 Grand Lodge Convention will be held in Austin, TX June 30 – July 3, 2024

The North Carolina delegation will be staying at the J W Marriott Austin Hotel, 110 E. 2nd Street, Austin, TX  78701.  The J W Marriott Austin Hotel is one of the two Co-Headquarters hotels.  South Carolina, Tennessee, Colorado, Indiana, New Mexico, Ohio, and West Virginia Elks and some Grand Lodge personnel are also scheduled to stay in this hotel.  

Room rate for Single, Double, Triple and Quad occupancy will be $135.00 per night plus tax, currently 17.61%. The rates will also apply to those who wish to stay three (3) days before and/or after the convention if requested on the reservation form and if rooms are available.  Late check outs will be determined by the hotel’s room availability for the following day and cannot be guaranteed at this time. If you would like a “late checkout” on Wednesday, July 3rd, please request it on the reservation form. King size beds are available but cannot be guaranteed.  Room reservations must be canceled 48 hours prior to arrival to avoid a cancelation fee.  Handicapped rooms are available and must be requested on the reservation form. This is a smoke free hotel.  Valet parking is available @ $59 per day.             Self-parking is also available, and the hotel has offered a 20% discount for Self-Parking. The hotel does not provide shuttle service between the Airport and the hotel. Uber/Lyft is the best option.  Amenities include Wi-Fi; a fitness center and a pool; Starbucks, the Edge Rooftop Bar, Dean’s Italian Steakhouse, Burger Bar on Congress and the Corner Restaurant.

District Deputy designates must submit a reservation form to me even though their room will be paid for by Grand Lodge.  ALL RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE THROUGH THE STATE HOUSING CHAIRMAN (Michael Curran) AND ARE DUE NO LATER THAN MAY 24, 2023.

The Sunday Opening Ceremony and the Daily Business sessions will take place at the Austin Convention Center, 500 E. Chavez Street, Austin, TX  78701. The Opening Ceremony will be from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM on Sunday, June 30th.  The Business Sessions will begin at 8:00 AM and will end around noon on Monday & Tuesday and around 11:00 AM on Wednesday.  Registration, Ritual Competition and Exhibits will also be at the Austin Convention Center.  You must be registered to attend the Opening Ceremony, the daily Business Sessions and the Ritual Competition.

In order to improve assistance to handicapped members/guests at the convention and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, will those that need transportation and/or wheelchair assistance while attending the convention let me know ASAP so that I can pass that information on to Grand Lodge. Please include that information on your reservation form.

The State President will make available the location and operating hours of the North Carolina State Elks Association Hospitality Suite and where to send your donations.

Registration packet can be found in the member’s only section (Forms and Guidelines).

Sanford Elks 1679 Donate Books to Veterans Homes

The Sanford Elks Lodge #1679 asked its members to clean off their shelves and share any books that they thought our North Carolina Veterans would enjoy. Our members came through as they always do. We collected nearly 600 books consisting of many genres to include History, Political, Best Sellers, Mystery, Fantasy Fiction, Spirituality, Western and Non-Fiction books. We took these books and  delivered them to all of our North Carolina Veterans Homes across the state. They were very appreciative to have new books to add to their library collection for our Veterans to read.

Hickory Presents Citation of Merit Award

The Grand Lodge of Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks presented a “Citation of Merit” to Robert Brisben, Past Exalted Ruler and  5 Year Trustee of the Hickory Elks Lodge. The award is for outstanding contribution to the growth of the lodge for year, 2022 – 2023, achieving a net gain of membership.

Past Exalted Ruler and 3 Year Trustee Gary Gantt on left presenting award to Robert Brisben.

Hickory Elks Observed Ceremony for 9-11 Attack

Hosted by the Hickory, NC Elks Lodge #1654, the city of Hickory, NC observed the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America on Monday, September 11, 2023 with a special ceremony in downtown Hickory. Planned and coordinated by the Hickory Elks Lodge Americanism Committee. Among the many participants were the Hickory area Community Choir performing patriotic and spiritual songs. Also performing music artist and Elks Lodge member, Nathan Hefner. Local radio station WHKY Hal Rowe, provided the 9/11 timeline of events of that horrific day on September 11, 2001. Color Guard was provided by cadets from Fred T Foard High School US Army JROTC program. Cadets from Hickory composite squadron, Civil Air Patrol, served as the flag detail. Serving as the military commander of troops was Elks Lodge member, Charlie Self of the US Air Force Retired. Elks Lodge members handed out American flags to the crowed to commemorate this observance.

This was the 16th year that the Hickory Elks Lodge has been involved in this annual remembrance ceremony.

Elks Lodge 1692 Annual Veteran and First Responder Golf Fundraiser

The Southern Pines Elks Lodge # 1692 held a Golf Tournament at Southern Pines Golf Club on September 9th to benefit Veterans and First Responders in the Sandhills area.  Pre-tournament festivities included a color guard presentation by Pinecrest High School AFJROTC members, a solo performance by Amey Parkins who sang the Star Spangled Banner, and a “Most Patriotic” outfit contest. A total of 92 golfers participated, playing in a Captain’s Choice format.  The proceeds will be used to serve our local Veterans and First Responders offering continued support of veteran construction renovations, Fayetteville Veterans Home and service dog support.  Volunteers worked behind the scenes to ensure everything ran smoothly.  The community was very generous with: sponsorships, donations, prizes, a catered lunch, beverage cart, prizes and gift bags for each golfer.

We also plan to once again continue our special “Thank You Breakfast” Christmas morning reaching out to 80 policeman and 5 police departments and firefighters at 17 fire stations providing breakfast meals, water, cookies and a Christmas card.

The Elks want to thank all our supporters who made this event a great success so they can continue to reach out to Veterans and First Responders. Elks Care, Elks Share!

Photos by Natalie Bradley Photography
