Roxboro Elks Hold Patriotism Week


The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 held Patriotism Week in Person County from September 9th -15th. The lodge was presented with a proclamation on behalf of the City of Roxboro and a proclamation on behalf of the Person County. The proclamations states that “The Order promotes the ideals that the citizens of this nation live in freedom, won through the great sacrifices and many tribulations which have provided the foundation for a free, prosperous and independent life. We realize that each generation must work to maintain this freedom, otherwise, through carelessness or indifference, the rights and liberties enjoyed may vanish, and it is fitting and proper to recognize this freedom and to honor the nation, which provides it.” Members of the Lodge participated in a Patriots Day Service at the Person County Veterans Park to honor victims and families of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on the United States of America.

Point of Contact: Derrick Sims, Roxboro Elks #2005, Exalted Ruler

Photo is as Follows:

Roxboro Lodge Promote Americanism and DAP


By: Derrick Sims

The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 partnered with the Roxboro Area Chamber of Commerce and the Person County Tourism Development Authority for the 14th Annual Roxboro 4th of July parade. The Roxboro Lodge purchased over a thousand American flags to distribute to all of the patrons that were in attendance on Monday.  Over a dozen Roxboro Elks were on hand to volunteer their time at the parade which saw record numbers in attendance.

The North Carolina Elks Drug Awareness Trailer and Elroy the Elk were also on hand at the parade. Elroy was a big hit and took many photo opportunities with the kids before the parade while local Elk volunteers handed out drug awareness materials to the young crowd.

The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 would like to recognize the following non-profit groups from Person County that assisted with the parade. Roxboro Area  Chamber of Commerce, Person County Tourism Development Authority, Roxboro Development Group, Partnership for Children, Person County Senior Center, Roxboro Area Merchants Association ,  United Way, Person County Library, Person County Parks & Recreation, Piedmont Community College and Person County Museum of History.

Keywords: “Elks” – “Americanism” – “Donate” – “Drug Awareness”

Word Count: 235

Point of Contact: Derrick Sims, Roxboro Elks #2005, Exalted Ruler

Roxboro Lodge DAP Campaign



By: Derrick Sims

The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 partnered with the Roxboro Area Chamber of Commerce for the 40th Annual Personality Festival in Person County on August 25-26th. The Personality Festival is a two-day festival that attracts 10,000-plus visitors to Roxboro every August. The Roxboro Lodge continued its Drug Awareness campaign by distributing awareness materials to the local residents and visitors that were in attendance. As always, there were many Roxboro Elks on hand that volunteered their time in an effort to make an impact in the community.

In addition to the campaign, Elroy the Elk made several appearances at the festival. Everyone had the opportunity to meet and take photos with Elroy at the Drug Awareness Trailer. Even with the record high temperatures, the overall campaign was a complete success.

The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 would like to thank NC Elks State Drug Awareness Chairman Bob Miller for his guidance and support for this project. The Roxboro Elks would also like to thank the Roxboro Area Chamber of Commerce for allotting space to accommodate the lodge’s drug awareness campaign and look forward to continuing future partnerships in an effort to make our community a better place.

Keywords: “Elks” – “Personality” – “Drug Awareness”

Word Count: 233

Point of Contact: Derrick Sims, Roxboro Elks #2005, Exalted Ruler

Roxboro Elks Distribute Over 2,400 Drug Awareness Comic Books to Students

By: Derrick Sims

The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 partnered with the Person County School System to reach out to students as part of its Fourth Fall Drug Awareness Campaign. All fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh grade students in the Person County School System received a copy of the Elks “What Heroes Do” comic book featuring characters that are everyday kids that are put in a position where they have to use the tools taught to them by their parents and teachers. The campaign encompassed reaching out to nine elementary and middle schools to a total of 2,434 students. The Roxboro Elks understand how critical it is for young people to lead a drug free life style and this project encourages a dialogue between parents, teachers and children by addressing a serious topic in a fun, familiar format.

The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 would like to thank the Person County Superintendent for agreeing to allow the school system to partner with the Drug Awareness Campaign along with Bob Miller, the NC Drug Awareness Chairman, for his assistance with this project. The Elks would also like to thank the many principals and teachers that embraced this program and look forward to continuing future partnerships in an effort to make our community a better place.

Roxboro Lodge Distributes Comic Books


By: Derrick Sims

The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 partnered with the Person County School System to reach out to students as part of its Fourth Fall Drug Awareness Campaign. All fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh grade students in the Person County School System received a copy of the Elks “What Heroes Do” comic book featuring characters that are everyday kids that are put in a position where they have to use the tools taught to them by their parents and teachers. The campaign encompassed reaching out to nine elementary and middle schools to a total of 2,434 students. The Roxboro Elks understand how critical it is for young people to lead a drug free life style and this project encourages a dialogue between parents, teachers and children by addressing a serious topic in a fun, familiar format.

The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 would like to thank the Person County Superintendent for agreeing to allow the school system to partner with the Drug Awareness Campaign along with Bob Miller, the NC Drug Awareness Chairman, for his assistance with this project. The Elks would also like to thank the many principals and teachers that embraced this program and look forward to continuing future partnerships in an effort to make our community a better place.

Keywords: “Elks” – “Education” – “Drug Awareness”

Word Count: 248

Point of Contact: Derrick Sims, Roxboro Elks #2005, Exalted Ruler


By: Derrick Sims

The Roxboro Elks Lodge Past Exalted Rulers Association recently completed a service project that assisted teachers in need of school supplies. The Roxboro PER Association raised money through a year-long fundraiser that started in August of 2018. The Lodge was able to assist nearly 75 teachers from every school in Person County with a $50.00 Visa gift card to go towards school supplies. A special thank you goes to Kendall Phelps with Country Club Convenience for providing tickets for the fundraiser. Also, a special recognition is in order for Frank Pollock (Past Exalted Ruler, 1986-1987) for creating this initiative along with all the Elk members that contributed to make this possible. The Roxboro Elks look forward to continue this project for next year.

Keywords: “Elks” – “Care” – “Youth Services”

Word Count: 159

Point of Contact: Derrick Sims, ER, Roxboro Elks #2005,

Financial Report System Has Gone Live

Updated – 08/22/2019 (New Link attachments)

The Financial Reporting System has gone live as of 08/03/19. Instructions and guidance can be found at under audit committee section. The first step is to do the needed mapping of your lodges general ledger account numbers to the Grand Lodge uniform chart of account numbers. Going forward from there will be the submission of the budget data and then submission of the monthly activity.

At the August DDGER Clinics there will be seminars on haw to do each of the steps and questions will be answered. One item which is of vital importance is that the lodge personnel who is going to responsible for submission of the data must have had their name, phone number and email address submitted to me through the DDGER. The data submission will be done by email and the vendor will verify the submission as coming from a registered email address.

I am attaching some written instructions on how to produce the data submission using QuickBooks. Those using other financial systems will probably need to talk with my self about producing the needed data files.

All questions maybe directed to me. Use preferably email because we both have a written record of the question and answer. (Email address and office phone can be found in the member’s only section.)

Jack Frost

Grand Lodge Convention – Baltimore, MD 2020

The 2020 Grand Lodge Convention will be held in Baltimore, MD from July 5-8, 2020. If you are going to attend you must notify State Secretary Mike Curran  (see email in member’s only section) by Saturday August 10th. You must also let him know if you will arrive on or before the 4th of July 2020.

Michael Curran

Elks Virtual National Soccer Shoot Competition

In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Elks Soccer Shoot program; the Grand Lodge Activities Committee is pleased to announce the Elks Virtual National Soccer Shoot Competition; A national soccer shoot contest that will be based on a competitor’s winning scores at the State and Regional levels to determine a national champion.

Starting this year, the program will run from April 1st to March 31st of each year, and the Committee will announce the national champions for each age and gender group in April 2020. The program will be phased in over the next three years as follows:

  • Phase 1 (2019-2020) State Contest Scores Only
  • Phase 2 (2020-2021) State or Regional Scores (highest level of State Participation)
  • Phase 3 (2021-2022) Regional Scores Only

The Grand Lodge Activities Committee fully understands that many states do not currently participate at the regional level, so the use of regional scores will be phased in over the next three years. This will give the state associations an opportunity to participate, while forming a region with bordering states or to join an existing region.

By 2022 and beyond, regional scores only will be used. Any state that is not part of a region by that point will be placed into what will be referred to as the “Virtual Region.” This will allow State Associations and Territories to participate in the competition, and the highest scores will represent the Virtual Region. In other words, everyone will still have an opportunity to participate.

So, what will be different for this year’s State Contest (2019-2020)?

  • Each State Soccer Shoot Director is requested to submit a State Contest Report following the completion of their State Soccer shoot. This form is available for download from the Activities Committee page of
  • For Territorial Lodges; the Lodge representing that territory (e.g. Puerto Rico, Guam, Panama, and Philippines) will represent their territory in the contest, and the Lodge’s local director would complete and submit the State Contest Form.
  • For Hawaii; with Lodges on different islands; a virtual state score will need to be determined. Each island is encouraged to hold a soccer shoot; the scores for each island should be submitted on the State Contest Report; indicating the island name and the contest director for that island. The highest scores from all Hawaiian Islands will represent that state in the national contest.
  • State Contest winners will be requested to complete three 5-Shot tiebreakers for score (regardless if they are needed for the state contest). These will be used to break any ties from scores submitted by other states. If tiebreakers are needed at the state level to break a tie, the actual tiebreaker scores should be used, but only the first three need to be submitted on the State Contest Report. If a state omits this information from their form, the tiebreaker score for the competitor will be counted as a zero.

State Associations that would like to form a region with bordering states, join an existing region, or move to another region are requested to complete and submit the Soccer Shoot Region Change Form which can also be found on the Activities Committee page of This form will allow the committee to keep track of which states belong to a region, and which states would default to the virtual region.

Winners will be awarded with a special certificate and national champion’s lapel pin which they can wear with pride. These awards will be sent to the State Association (or Lodge) sponsoring the winner for presentation locally.

The Grand Lodge Activities Committee is excited to bring this program back to the national stage fulfilling our Grand Exalted Ruler Robert L. Duitsman’s theme of: “Honoring the Past—Embracing the Future.” If you should have any questions regarding this program, please feel free to contact me.


Wayne D. Cotterly
Soccer Shoot Coordinator
Grand Lodge Activities Committee-Area 1