Roxboro Lodge Distributes Comic Books


By: Derrick Sims

The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 partnered with the Person County School System to reach out to students as part of its Fourth Fall Drug Awareness Campaign. All fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh grade students in the Person County School System received a copy of the Elks “What Heroes Do” comic book featuring characters that are everyday kids that are put in a position where they have to use the tools taught to them by their parents and teachers. The campaign encompassed reaching out to nine elementary and middle schools to a total of 2,434 students. The Roxboro Elks understand how critical it is for young people to lead a drug free life style and this project encourages a dialogue between parents, teachers and children by addressing a serious topic in a fun, familiar format.

The Roxboro Elks Lodge #2005 would like to thank the Person County Superintendent for agreeing to allow the school system to partner with the Drug Awareness Campaign along with Bob Miller, the NC Drug Awareness Chairman, for his assistance with this project. The Elks would also like to thank the many principals and teachers that embraced this program and look forward to continuing future partnerships in an effort to make our community a better place.

Keywords: “Elks” – “Education” – “Drug Awareness”

Word Count: 248

Point of Contact: Derrick Sims, Roxboro Elks #2005, Exalted Ruler

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